ALBUM pulls me back in
to present times with its irresis-
table meld of intense beats, shouty voc
als and obsession with numbers a theme whi
ch ties this relatively short collection together. It g
oes or even harks back to when bands announced their
modus operendi in no uncertain terms to fuck with the min
ds of their unexpecting public - here for instance despite the ap
parent volume of songs the bulk is killer tunes with the odd filler. but
it does not suffer for it when the actual contents are so compelling. 'Num
erology (aka numbers)' marries a catchy riff with an interesting question that
is actually answered (hooray, how many songs bug you with their unanswered q
uestions?). Although tied to the new wave heritage I hear shades of rap here, even
hot chip in the wobbly synths and young tremble / cocksure certainty of the singer's vo
ice which takes the mash up further than a mere exercise in 'how many indie bands can you
name.' 'Swords of truth' possibly even references Star Wars ('strike me down') but we'll not hold
that against them, neither that they have already become so achingly trendy that they have been as
ked to provide aural backdrop for a fashion show - instead just enjoy the twitchy sound of 'swords of
truth' and '£4' which runs the bizarre lyric by you repeatedly 'four of your pounds' until it seems quite nor
mal and enjoy the fact that they can create musical soundscapes far better than I can create a pyramid of words (because blogger won't let me)